Tips for Successful Extended Family Photoshoots Outdoors

You know you’ve been meaning to do it - gather the generations of your crew for an epic extended family photoshoot outdoors!  It will take some coordination and planning, but wrangling all of those bold personalities and boisterous relatives is so worth it!   

An extended family photoshoot can beautifully capture the bonds between cousins, the loving eyes of grandparents, the mischievous nature of sibling rivalry, and the broad smiles and questionable humor of uncles and aunts.  Because extended families change with life events, a photoshoot is sure to produce a portrait that will become a cherished family heirloom.

We’ve covered why you should plan an extended family photoshoot; let’s get into when and where:

WHEN:  Is there a family reunion on the calendar?  What about a birthday or anniversary celebration?  Whether the extended family is gathering to mark a holiday or celebrate a family tradition or milestone, take advantage of having everyone in one place and book an extended family photoshoot!

WHERE: There are so many stunning Bay Area locations for conducting extended family photoshoots outdoors.  You may even have a special spot that is significant to your family, like a home or unique venue.  If you need inspiration, check out our blog post, Places to Take Family Photos Near Me in the Bay Area.

Here are some tips for getting your extended family ready for their photoshoot:

1.)   Plan Ahead: In fact, plan way ahead!  Getting a big group of any kind in one place can be a challenge.  Once you lock in a date for your family gathering, booking a photographer for your extended family photoshoot outdoors should be the next item on your to-do list.  

2.)   Nominate a spokesperson: Trust me, things run a lot smoother and communication is clearer when one person is coordinating with the photographer.

3.)   Establish goals: The main goal of the session is an extended family group photo, but are there other portrait groupings to consider?  What about a shot with the grandparents and grandchildren?  An updated photo of all the cousins together would be nice! Collect all special requests and creative ideas before your extended family photoshoot!

4.)   Set expectations:  Connect with your family before the day of the shoot so that everyone is aware of timing, clear on the plan and agreed on the goals for your extended family photoshoot. 

5.)   Assemble your favorite outfits:  For your extended family photoshoot, focus on a color scheme or general palette. Balance your palette with pops of color. Go for coordinated when dressing your family, but avoid being “matchy-matchy.”

6.)   Trust your photographer:  At Upma Sharma Photography, we know trust is essential.  We love helping families create lasting keepsakes. We want you to relax and enjoy your extended family photoshoot.  We will guide you through the process and make recommendations based on our experience, starting with an initial complimentary consultation.

Check out our Ultimate Guide to Commonly Asked Questions for Family Photo Shoots.

Multigenerational Family Photos Creating Lasting Memories by Upma Sharma Photography

How Much Do Family Photos Cost?


Cake Smash and Family Photoshoot at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve, Los Altos